F4U Corsair 1300mm RC Plane with Plans
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- Written by: Julius Perdana
- Category: RC Foam Project
This year, I built an F4U Corsair with a 1300mm wingspan. Nine years ago, I constructed a Corsair model using 6mm polyfoam or Depron foam sheets. However, this latest version is significantly simpler and easier to build, and most importantly, a comprehensive build video is available on YouTube.
Dara RC Plane Trainer 1500 mm
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- Written by: Julius Perdana
- Category: RC Foam Project
Another trainer type plane. I build this for my son and my daughter's friends to learn to fly an RC plane. I made it with 1500 mm wingspan because I was inspired by XFly Tasman RC Plane, I already try to fly it and thought I will build a trainer with the same size wingspan. I named this trainer plane "Dara" that means "Pigeon" in Indonesian. Also it has different means, that is a girl. Dara actually inspired by Tecnam 2010 trainer plane, but I change the wing shape and simplify the fuselage lines.
F-4 Phantom Micro RC Plane - Build
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- Written by: Julius Perdana
- Category: RC Foam Project
After a good feedback on Micro F-14 Tomcat I decided to try it on F-4 Phantom as well. At first I build a 360mm wingspan for 3 channel micro RC parts, but turned out too heavy because I need to add alot of counter weight ballast on the nose. So I made another one that smaller which is 290mm wingspan and use 2 channel RC micro parts for the bigger one. I use low density styrofoam (EPS) foam for the main material and you also need hard foam for the nose part, so it will not easily damage when it hit the ground nose first, or you can use balsa wood or even 3D printed nose part like I did. As usual I use a clear canopy made out of heat shrink plastic for packaging, but this time I use simpler molding technique by using Depron foam or hard foam as the mold and abandoned the mold that made out from 3D printed and wood.
F-14 Tomcat Micro RC Plane 460mm
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- Written by: Julius Perdana
- Category: RC Foam Project
Actually I'm planning to build a new RC Aircraft Carrier, but this one I will build an older one which is USS Nimitz. Like the previous model the first thing I do is to make a small RC plane to launch on top of the deck of the aircraft Carrier. I choose a rather vintage timeline which is 80s era, so I made an F-14 Tomcat. At first I use medium density styrofoam as the main material but also tried using a low density styrofoam. This time I use 3 channel control rather than 2 channel like usually I made a micro RC plane so I hope it will be more precise in control so I can practice landing on the carrier.