On the December 2013 I was commissioned to design paper craft templates for Ind Japan Expo 2013 exhibition. The exhibition was about Smart Grid City, a city with efficient power system and uses green energy. My friend Rauf Raphanus and I were work on the templates, Rauf worked on the transportation system paper craft and I worked on city buildings paper craft. I wanted to share with you some of the templates, there are : houses, battery storage building, solar panel installation, windmill electricity generator, warehouse, dock and boats.
There are still more buildings such as government building, commercial building, skyscraper and other tall buildings, but I don't share them because they are too big to fit into A4 paper. All models are very simple. All the templates were used one time only for making a miniature city for that exhibition, and now I allowed to share them with you. Because I was not intended to made these for Paper Replika release, so there is no assembly instructions. All photos by Putri Ayu Pratami.