First of all, I wish you a good and happy new year, may this year 2017 will bring better life, goodness and peace. This year is by the way the 9th year for Paper Replika. I start this year by releasing Airbus A380 with this beautiful new livery, which is Thai Airways to add to the A380 Paper Replika collection. I go back to the original scale, the scale that the A380 papercraft was first released which is 1:155 scale, because it's easier to build in bigger size. The wingspan will be 50 cm in length. This Thailand airliner has 6 of A380-800 planes in the fleet and was first operational in summer 2012.


Airbus A380 Paper Model

- insert middle formers (52) inside middle fuselage, this part will be the shape holder for the rest of plane fuselage
- assembly other fuselage parts using representative inner glue tabs.
- use formers inside part number 28


Airbus A380 Paper Model

Airbus A380 Paper Model


Airbus A380 Paper Model

- insert part 14 with intake blade texture inside parts 15 and 16 first.
- then close those parts with part 55 (formers)
- attach part 18 and 19
- finally close them with part 17, join it with front parts (14,15,16,55)

Airbus A380 Paper Model

Airbus A380 Paper Model

- glue 3 circle parts to one wheel shape (part 61)
- roll tight part 54, 63, 64 until they become cylinders with +/- 1.5 mm diameter
- or you can use tooth picks to replace those parts

Airbus A380 Paper Model

- paint landing gear well with black color if landing gears are attach, or you can leave them if you don't want to use landing gears