Patlabor (a portmanteau of "patrol" and "labor") refers to Mobile Police Patlabor, a manga franchise created by Headgear, a group consisting of director Mamoru Oshii, writer Kazunori Ito, mecha designer Yutaka Izubuchi, character designer Akemi Takada, and manga artist Masami Yūki. The manga received the 36th Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen in 1991. The popular franchise included a manga, a TV series, two OVA series, three feature length movies, and a short film compilation, named Minipato because of its super-deformed drawing style. The series has been adapted into video games and licensed products from OST to toys. Patlabor is known for using mecha - designed by Yutaka Izubuchi - not just for police or military purposes, but also for industrial and municipal jobs.

This model is very special to me. I have plan to do this model since 10 years ago when I was a college student, but never comes to reality until now. It is one of the most detailed models that I ever design. Patlabor especially "Alphonse" Av-98 Ingram is the only Japan Mecha which I like very much, realistic.

Photos above is build by zell2007 , thanks to zell2007 for sending me the photos.




The story takes place in what was, at the time of release, the near future of 1998-2002. Robots called "Labors" are employed in heavy construction work. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police has its own arsenal of Patlabors to combat crimes and deal with accidents involving Labors. The story arcs usually revolve around Tokyo Metropolitan Police Special Vehicle Section 2, Division 2. Noa Izumi is the main protagonist of the series, but all of Division 2 play roles.



The feature films follow separate continuities, referred to as the "movie timeline" and the "TV timeline." The different OVA series follow either the movie or TV timelines.







Noa Izumi
* Voiced by: Miina Tominaga
* English: Elisa Wain (TV/OVA), Briony Glassco(Manga Ent.), Julie Ann Taylor (Bandai Visual), Michelle Ruff (Geneon)

Section 2 Division 2 Team 1: The bubbly, perky red-headed gamine labor otaku from Hokkaidō. The main character of the show, Noa is usually at the center of the action. Noa loves her labor much like a pet and named it "Alphonse", a name previously held by a pet dog and a pet cat, respectively. She's somewhat impulsive, albeit not early as much as Ohta. Noa is arguably the best pilot in Division 2, although both Clancy and Kumagami have shown extreme talent as well but seldom pilot. She has a natural affinity for labors and gets 110% out of them, much to the amazement of her colleagues. Furthermore, she can drink quite a bit more than her co-workers, and recovers from hangovers much faster, since her family runs a liquor store.






AV-98 Ingram - Patlabor

General and Technical Data
Model number: AV-98
Code name: Ingram
Unit type: law enforcement anti-labor crime patrol labor
Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries
Operator: Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
Rollout: April 1998 AD
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 8.02 meters; overall width 4.37 meters
Weight: standard 6.0 metric tons; full 6.62 metric tons
Armor materials: fiber reinforced plastic and carbon fiber reinforced material
Powerplant: unknown
Maximum weight lifting capacity: 2.40 metric tons
Minimum revolving radius: 3.90 meters
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 37mm revolver cannon, loads 6 rounds, stored on right leg, hand-carried in use; anti-labor stun stick, stored in shield mounted on left forearm, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: 90mm riot cannon

Mecha-Anime HQ

Technical and Historical Notes
The development of labors proves to be a boon to construction projects around the world. However, the increase of labors sparks a new type of crime: labor crime. To combat labor crime, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department creates its own labor division, Special Vehicles Section 2. At first, SV2 uses the ancient ASUKA-MPL96 Taisyo, which has simply been painted in police colors and outfitted with a siren. As labors become more advanced, SV2 keeps up with the times by replacing the Taisyo with the AV-98 Ingram, a labor designed specifically for law enforcement by Shinohara Heavy Industries. The Ingram's advanced design allows for more human-like movements. As a law enforcement labor, the Ingram is equipped with an anti-labor stun stick and a 37mm revolver cannon, but it can also carry a shotgun-like 90mm riot cannon. To facilitate transport to the field, each Ingram features its own transport trailer. Three units are assigned to SV2 Division 2 under the command of Captain Kiichi Gotoh. Unit 1 is assigned to labor enthusiast Noa Izumi, while Unit 2 is assigned to gun maniac Isao Ota. Unit 3 is not used for police operations because it serves as a source of spare parts for Units 1-2. With its advanced design and intimidating appearance, the Ingram and SV2 quickly become a source of terror for criminals and civilians alike.

Mecha-Anime HQ

Pilot(s): Noa Izumi, Isao Ota
Appearances: Mobile Police Patlabor (OVA series)
Original mechanical designer: Yutaka Izubuchi

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This pattern never been tested, some minor errors were found in several of previuos models, please be advise maybe you will find errors such as missing tabs or unnecessary tabs, despite the models never been tested, many have succeeded build all of them perfectly, just need little imagination and dedication to this hobby.

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AV-98 Ingram - Patlabor template