This rare papercraft is a typical Power Meter unit in Indonesia which is everybody using electricity always have it in front of their houses. Electricity is not a problem in major big cities, but there are places in some minor areas which never touch by what we called electricity for a better life here in Indonesia. Although PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara = Government-owned Electricity Company) keep on improving their service and performance to meets high demand of power nowadays. An electric meter or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electrical energy supplied to or produced by a residence, business or machine. The most common type is more properly known as a kilowatt hour meter or a joule meter. When used in electricity retailing, the utilities record the values measured by these meters to generate an invoice for the electricity. They may also record other variables including the time when the electricity was used. .[More at Wikipedia]
PLN Power Meter Papercraft
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- Written by: Julius Perdana
- Category: Others
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