The AXIOM, mothership that appears on WALL E movie, habitated with a human colony that went from earth for 700 years because of the trash problem. WALL E got aboard this giant ship. It contains thousands of people and their robot assistants. Their life style for 700 years is so easy, It made people on board never walking, just sit and relax watching displays and eat and eat. All of them have obesity, include captain of this ship. The AXIOM finally return to earth after EVE found a sign for vegetation life form on earth.
Designer note : The AXIOM model is not completely accurate, I tried to collect all the information about this ship on the internet. I just found wallpaper and some screenshot from the movie, I have to watch the movie to become more understand about the shape of the ship. So the final model was generated from what I saw, I have to guess some detail parts of the ship that didn't appear on the movie. It is a great movie. I always love PIXAR's movie, all of them.